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boy・・参加されたみなさんの感想・・ QUESTIONNAIRES "How was the class?" girl
We got some emails about classes from the guests. here
on Jan. 27,2004 (Menu: TEMPURA) 
アンケートにご協力ありがとうございました。 We really thank the guests for their comments!!
Very enjoyable and
Lots of fun.
Very tasty! mmm.
Food we ate: so small.. Fantastic!
Very good! It was so much fun.
I really enjoyed it.
Thank you for some
translating! I can't wait
to try tempura at home!
Fantastic, very helpful
and delicious.
I always have fun in the
Japanese home cooking
class! Thank you!
Tempura is delicious. Excellent!
Everyone is friendly and
helpful -great explaining,
no need for English
in instructions.
(most of the fine).
  kcccherryメールでの感想はこちら。We got some emails about classes from the guests. here.
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