
Tonkatsu is one of the most popular deep-fried dishes. Hot and crispy Tonkatsu is best!
And shredded cabbage is suitable garnish for Tonkatsu.

Ingredients (4 servings):
 4 pork loin cuts, 1/3 Tsp. salt and pinch of pepper
 Breading: 2 Tbsp flour, 1/2 egg beaten + 1 Tbsp water, 1 cup (200ml) bread crumbs
 Oil for deep-frying, 200g cabbage shredded, sauce for Tonkatsu

 1. Cut stringiness in several places and pat, and sprinkler salt and pepper on both sides.

 instruction1  instruction2  instruction3

 2. Dust pork lightly with flour, dip in beaten egg and bread.

 instruction4   →   instruction5

 3.Slide pork into 170℃ oil for 1-2 min. and turn over and
  fry until brown and crispy.

 4. Shred cabbage and soak them in water for 1-2 min. and sieve.

 5. Serve.

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