Miso Soup with Wakame Seaweed
Ingredients (4 servings)
700ml water, 15g dried bonito flakes, 1 Tbsp.dried wakame(seaweed)
1 abura-age(deep-fried tofu), chopped long onion

  1. Put dried bonito flakes into boiling water and turn off heat immediately, and drain after 2 or 3 minutes.
    (make 600ml dash broth)    direction

  2. Again place dash in saucepan and add wakame.
    When wakame soften heat and add chopped abura-age.
    Soften miso in a small bowl by adding a small amount of dash, add to saucepan and taste.
  3. Boil briefly and immediately turn off heat.
  4. Add long onion.    misosoup
*Cooking Hints:
Don't overcook the soup after adding the miso paste.
When the miso soup comes to a boil, remove from heat after a few seconds not to go away flavors.

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