Sushi Rice
for Maki-Zushi (Rolled sushi), Inari-Zushi (Sushi in a pouch), Chirashi-Zushi (Scattered sushi)
Ingredients (Maki-Zushi:4 rolls, Inari-Zushi: 8 pieces) 4 servings
4 cup (720ml) short-grain rice, 4 cup (720ml) water,
    (less water than regular rice. Harder rice is better for sushi.)
 Seasoning for sushi rice: 120ml rice vinegar + 6 Tbsp sugar + 1/2 Tbsp salt
    (You may use already prepared sushi vinegar.)
Cooked the sushi rice using a automatic rice cooker.
  1. Wash the rice and soak in water for 30 minutes.
  2. Start cooking. (using a automatic rice cooker)
  3. Combine the seasonings for sushi rice so that the sugar and salt dissolve.
  4. Place cooked rice in a *Sushi-oke (a large wooden sushi bowl) or suitable large bowl and spread. Pour the seasoning for sushi rice over it and mix in cutting manner, fanning the rice with a fan.
     direction          direction

 *Sushi-oke is specifically designed for mixing rice and vinegar dressing in it.
*Cooking Hints:
The amount of water for cooking sushi rice is a little less than that used in cooking regular rice. This results in a slightly harder rice. The rice softens once the vinegar mixture is combined, as the grains absorb the liquid.

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