Kyoto Cooking Circle monthly recipe
Yuba (Soy-beans curd) dishes
Yuba is made from tonyu which is produced in the process of making tofu. A thin film like substance appears on the surface as it boils.
The ingredient is soy-beans as in tofu, but it has rich taste and a special kind of texture depending on the process of making.
It’s said a Zen monk brought the technique how to make yuba from China in the twelfth century and it has been widely used in Zen temples from the medieval period.
Also a variety of yuba cooking has developed in Kyoto under the influence of Buddhism.
It is very healthy food because it is rich with protein and fat but low-calorie. So recently it is given high appraisal and is an expensive food.
Yuba has two types, Nama (fresh) yuba and Hoshi (dried) yuba, however we find that Kyoto yuba has many special forms and has developed with the various climates and the people’s palate.
Today, we introduce the KCC original Yuba-donburi(one-bowl of rice topped with Yuba and Unagi (eels)).
■ Yuba−Donburi (Yuba on rice)
Ingredients (4 servings):
direction2 sheets (80g) of nama-yuba(fresh yuba),
1 whole yaki-unagi(grilled eel),

grated wasabi(horse-radish)

2 1/2cups dashi-stock, 1Tbsp light soy-sauce,
1Tbsp sake,
1/2Tbsp sugar,
1/2tsp salt,
2Tbsp katakuriko-starch & 4Tbsp water,

  1. Cut yuba and grilled eel into 1cm lengths.
  2. Place sauce seasonings into a pot and heat, add yuba to them.
  3. Heat again and bring to boil, add katakuriko-starch water mixture to thicken
    (under medium-heat) direction
  4. Add eel to the sauce and warm it.
  5. Place hot rice in the bowl and transfer hot sauce onto rice,
    garnish with grated wasabi.   direction

■ Yuba Akadashi (Red miso soup with yuba)
Ingredients (4-5 servings):
dried yuba, 31/2cups dashi stock, 2-3Tbsp red miso-paste, mitsuba(trefoil),
green onion
  1. Place dashi in a pot and warm , add dried yuba to it, bring to boil.
  2. Soften miso by adding a small amount of dashi, add to the pot.
    Turn off the heat just before boiling.
  3. Serve miso-soup in each bowl with mitsuba and green onion.
■ Kyuri-to-Yuba-no-Sunomono (Vinegared yuba and cucumber)
Ingredients (4-5 servings):
1cucumber & 1/6tsp salt, 30g nama-yuba, 2cm square ginger,
vinegar dressing : each 3Tbsp dashi, vinegar, each 2tsp sugar, light soy-sauce
  1. Cut cucumber into thin slices, sprinkle with salt, wring out excess moisture.
  2. Cut nama-yuba into 1cm lengths.
  3. Cut ginger into fine strips, soak in cold water, and drain.
  4. Dress 1, 2 & 3 with vinegar dressing, serve in a small bowl.
    direction  direction

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