Please click the images of No.1,2,3,8,9,13,14 and "walking in Nishiki" in the MAP above, then several phots of each shop will be displayed.


menu(1) Class Menu in Feb. 2006:
Tonyu (soymilk) Chawan-Mushi Ankake (Soymilk savory cup custard with thick sauce) & Hatakena (Green vegetable) with mustard dressing

menu(2) Class Menu in May. 2006:
湯葉丼・湯葉の赤だし・きゅうりと湯葉の酢の物 他
Yuba-Donburi (Yuba on rice), Yuba Akadashi (Red miso soup with yuba), Vinegared yuba and cucumber

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